Washington, DC
The Saint John Paul II National Shrine exhibit, A Gift of Love, opened to the public in October 2014. Throughout the exhibit, a variety of colors, materials, and textures create a rich tapestry that invites visitors to learn and reflect. As visitors enter the exhibit experience, they are surrounded by geometric panels at varying angles featuring large imagery and content exploring the hardships Saint John Paul II, then Karol Wojtyła, faced in his early life and how he overcame those obstacles to become a member of the clergy. Another gallery features layered panels with varying translucencies and large overhead imagery which highlight the Pope’s ongoing commitment to human rights across the globe and emphasize his historic achievements. Key artifacts and interactive experiences are woven into the narrative throughout each gallery along with custom artwork and inspiring stories that honor and celebrate the former Pope’s life and impact.
Project by Design Firm: Gallagher & Associates
Fabrication: Design and Production
Images and artwork property of Erika Bilbo Fox Design LLC or courtesy of Design Firm
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